Repeat prescriptions

Prescription ordering

We would ask that patients do not pre-order more medication than you actually require. As per NHS England guidelines we are continuing to issue a maximum of two months’ medication at a time as normal. This is to ensure that an artificial shortage is not created. Please follow the usual processes for ordering your medication. Thank you.

How to obtain your repeat prescriptions

  • Request online
  • Request form obtainable from reception desk
  • By post
  • If you are unable to order a repeat item because a GP review is requested, please order the item using the medication request notes and you will be advised if an appointment is necessary

Please allow 72 hours between request and collection

For safety reasons it is not possible to accept telephone requests for prescriptions.

For your convenience we can arrange for your prescriptions to be collected directly from Boots, Clayfields, Ilkley Moor Pharmacy or Pharmacy plus health, Ilkley (by prior arrangement).



Did you know you can view and request your repeat prescriptions online? Manage your prescriptions quickly and easily wherever you are, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with SystmOnline.

You can access the service from any PC, laptop or internet-abled device and you can download the SystmOnline app to your smartphone or tablet.

New user?

You will need to contact us to obtain your login and password. This can be done by phone or in person at the practice and we will advise you on how the system works.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have questions about the online service.

Travelling abroad with medication

The NHS accepts responsibility for supplying ongoing medication for temporary periods abroad of up to three months. If a person is going to be abroad for more than three months then only a sufficient supply of his/her regular medication should be provided to enable them to get to the destination and find an alternative supply.

Local pharmacies


Brook Street, Ilkley, LS29 8AG

T: 01943 608476

Cohens Chemist

123 Main Street, Burley-in-Wharfedale, Ilkley, LS29 7JN

T: 01943 863158

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